
Stop Hating On The Feminine Gays!

this is NOT LMO! but the awesome

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

MSN bad habit

AN says:
*i think typing and hitting enter the next thing instead of space is becoming a really bad habit of mine
*applies to you as well

LMO says:
*i also!

AN says:

LMO says:
*just now

AN says:
*see, ur at it again

LMO says:
*i never put on "bz" mode
*then i realised how irritating it is
*when the thing keeps ringing and ringing
*cos the

AN says:
*HAHAHA, my msn all the sound off one leh, even sign in alert, I THINK THE ALERTS FUCKING IRRITATING
*and i receive like 100 emails a day

LMO says:

1 comment:

Aiden said...

Hahaha. Even I have this bad habit. When I started IM-ing, I used the space bar and all instead of the enter button. But then, the person on the other end gets impatient. So now if I send the stuff I type bit by bit the person won't be impatient. But I'll surely be interrupted. It's like a no win situation. Do I make sense? I'm too sleepy right now >_<

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