
Stop Hating On The Feminine Gays!

this is NOT LMO! but the awesome

Friday, December 24, 2010


t-rex says:
*從前有個人叫阿爽。 他死掉了。 出殯那天。 他的家人哭喊:「 爽啊……爽啊!」 路人不解,問道:「你們爽什麼啊?」 家人痛哭流涕:「爽死了……爽死了!!」

lmo says:
*im bored!

    t-rex says:
*want to learn french?

lmo says:
*foei gras

 t-rex says:
*french fries

lmo says:
*k wat abt jap?

  t-rex says:

lmo says:
*LOL :x

 t-rex says:
*still got what ar

lmo says:

t-rex says:

lmo says:

t-rex  says:
*samsung is meh

lmo says:
*i think so
*oops samsung is korean :X

t-rex  says:
*i know more

lmo says:

t-rex  says:
*all japan

lmo says:
*wat is yaoi?

t-rex says:
*:-O You dont like ar
*gay porn i think

lmo says:
*i dun like bukkake so grossss!

t-rex says:
*変態  < hentai
*is porn
*so yaoi shld be gay porn

lmo says:
*such a pro

t-rex is learning jap and french in school simulataneously.
it's incredible!
if it were me, i'd be confused as hell and go around saying...
"bonjour! watashiwa LMO des. voulez vous croucher avec moi?" :P

and yep, my life is that pathetic now.
no flings, no bf, no whatever.
that guy did msn me though :D

i can't help that my posts are so boring.
hfc and panda were asking me to go have some flings so there will be more interesting updates.
what awesome friends .__.

signing out...
will be away till sun on some small islet in SG.
x'mas with family!
crap, i haven't packed.
and sigh, there's no way of santa fulfilling my wish.
unless...there's an aj at the chalet next door...but what are the chances?


i've been watching...
pao mo zhi xia (summer's desire)

DA S (barbie hsu) is as awesome as ever!
i've been watching her shows since meteor garden.
ok fine, the only other drama i've watched with her acting in it is corner with love.
seems as though she will always receive characters who are easily pitiable.

sidenote, the guys are hot tooo
hehehe :D

Merry Christmas!

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