
Stop Hating On The Feminine Gays!

this is NOT LMO! but the awesome

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


it's what i've been feeling inside for quite a while.

the only sms-es i get these days are from my boss asking me if i'm free to work.
obviously i am. all of my friends are busy with school.
yes, we've met up only twice since their holidays are over.
we still chat on msn.
but i really do not wish to see us growing further apart as their workload get heavier.

while their fb are constantly updated with new pics from their orientation, outings with new friends...mine's stagnant since cny.
i do not really dare to call out my other friends since we aren't that close...there's nothing much to chat about either.
this is probably the loneliest period of my life.

idk, when i get lonely, my thoughts would run wild.
i'd imagine my own funeral; wondering who will turn up, who will cry, who will miss me etc.
it's so morbid right :X

p.s. i don't want amazing grace to be played....some dance hits should be played. i'll be dancing with the living LOL. and no, i'm not suicidal.

1 comment:

tuls said...

just go with the flow.. so what if their fb is filled with pics but not yours? so what if they moved on? frienship doesnt freeze in winter.. along the way you will definitely have new meetups and also separation.. thats life.. so dont worry about it so much..

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