
Stop Hating On The Feminine Gays!

this is NOT LMO! but the awesome

Thursday, April 14, 2011

ktv again!

hahhaha yeah went to ktv with hfc.
told him that i wanted to shop initially...
but i just wanted to ktv again suddenly.
i guilted him into agreeing even though he was really reluctant coming up with excuses abt tests and all.
i'm crazy and bitchy like that :D

we both have similar taste in music and i know almost every song he likes and vice versa.
there are exceptions of course.
like how he finds "Born This Way" horrible. rowr!
(sidenote: isn't born this way banned in malaysia? i heard it playing in a shopping centre in jb leh)

anyhoo it was really awesome to have a ktv session with a close friend.
cos he knows how i cant sing and doesnt rly mind. just kept on laughing but wtv lah.
not like it is his first time hearing me sing.
and cos we can get super hyper tgt, we were literally screaming at "high" parts of the session.
i cant get this high with other ppl cos i'll be worrying how they'll think im crazy and stuff.
but with ur bff, that's when ur true colour shows. hahahhahaha

we went crazy after singing not myself tonight.
followed by hollaback girl and then party people right after!
all awesome party songs!
we managed to clear the rap part of party people perfectly (with the help of the original singers of course) even though the last time we heard it was ages ago.
i loved the fergie's rapping parts so much that i kept practising it last time.
"all of you haters can kiss a behind. specifically speaking i'm talking about mine!"

session ended off with veronicas- untouched.
kk i know these songs are a little outdated...but that was the time when we had the time to get crazy and sing those songs in school/ over the webcam.

and any singing schools need people for before/after advertisements?
i am the perfect before candidate! off key in every note i sing :D
sponsor my lessons and i dun mind being filmed throughout them hahhahahahhahaa!

yep she sounds better than me so u can imagine hahhahaha.
i showed somene how i sound and he kept laughing throughout lah! wtf!
right until he said gdnite still making fun of me :(
rowr! evil slut hahhahahha,


Aiden said...

Eh I don't think its banned here. Coz its on the radio so often!

tuls said...

oomgosh!! youre so cute LMO!!!!!! :) i like your speaking voice!! :)

Mr ET said...

U shud post ur voice so that I can listen to it too~

little-mister-obsessive said...

A: hmmm maybe they just censor that line out o.0

tuls: hahahhaha that isn't my normal voice. my friend says i sound so awkward cos i was trying to lower it.

whizkid: hahhahahah never! :D ask tuls to describe hhahahhahaa.

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