i've always made my own decisions in life.
my secondary school, the subjects to study, cca...i've never allowed my parents to make them for me.
not that they are that interested either.
the only thing they chose for me was my primary sch cos obviously i was too young.
as much as i love my freedome to make my own decisions,
it can be really frustrating if i've too much of a choice.
i would go through the bothersome process of weighing out the pros and cons, researching, seeking advice from seniors for the important ones.
however, more often than not, i would already know what i would choose in the end.
my most recent decision was my new school.
i was going against the wishes of my parents (esp my mom. we argued in the car until dad asked us to end it there and not bring the matter up again), all of my close friends chose to do a levels, i was the only one in my class who chose to pursue a diploma :X
i think the only reason i was "seeking advice" was to prepare them for my decision.
i knew i wasn't going to accept their protests.
it isn't like i made my choice ignoring the negatives.
i knew how they were going to convince me otherwise simply because i have already had the arguement with myself.
their well-intended persuasion will always be rebutted with my well-rehearsed justification.
and of course, i love it when people support my decision.
i would have someone to blame if things don't work out in the end.
as tempting as that sounds, i wont resort to that lah.
i would argue with my supporters also actually and try to see if they've any solutions to overcome the negatives.
i guess what i'm trying to say is that usually, one would have made their minds up before "seeking advice" unless that person has not done sufficient homework himself.
then he'd just be a time-waster who allows others to make decisions for him cos he's too lazy to contemplate himself.
having to hear opposing views can be stressful.
but why should one be so caught up in caring about others' views and give up what one wants to pursue?
it is just foolish to "go crazy" and "feel suicidal" just because you're in a dilemma and everyone's going agaisnt your wishes, right hfc?
Listen to your heart. In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
erm , how old are u again?
whiz: this post is not intended for myself. :)
albert: you dont need to know :)
And my advise is very universal :D wakakakakaaka
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