
Stop Hating On The Feminine Gays!

this is NOT LMO! but the awesome

Thursday, March 24, 2011

short trip

so yeah, i went on a short holiday to a not so well-off country.

going to such places would always make you feel you've taken your life for granted.

was walking on the street, enjoying my icy-cold coke that i just bought.
two kids approached and pointed at the bottle of quarter-drunk coke with pleading eyes.
obviously, i gave it to them.
what could i have done? shooed them away?
perhaps i could have just strutted on.
but it was just a bottle of coke.

later, while having dinner, 2 kids came to pester again.
they asked for a single pork rib which was not touched yet.
fine...we let them have it.

after a few days in that country, we realised that the children have gotten so used to begging for food.
we got hard and didn't give anymore food to anyone.
i don't know if i shld feel angry at or feel sorry for them.

their way of life disrupts tourists from having a peaceful meal...but i guess they don't have any other way to feed themselves.
i just feel fortunate that even though i'm far from having a silver spoon, i've never had to beg for food in my life.


Vincent~ said...

when i was in india, the kids oso like tat though... quite sad actually.... but ppl do told us not to give them food cuz it will only encourage them... but look so pity... =/

little-mister-obsessive said...

i know! people who are soft-hearted cannot go to places like these cos they'll just cry throughout :X

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